Integral Eye Movement Technique
Have anxiety, stress, and negative thoughts become a part of your life? Or maybe they have become a part of you?
Do you often experience that annoying feeling, just above your stomach… that things will go wrong, or you will mess it up?
Whether you are a high-achieving executive or a young graduate entering your first career, anxious thoughts feel the same and hurt the same. As a result, you end up spending most of your energy being miserable instead of fully experiencing the life you deserve.
IEMT – is an evidence-based Integral Eye Movement Technique that helps people with negative emotional states, flashbacks, and negative patterns that might be keeping them stuck in life. IEMT is a proposed brief therapy and an evolving field that enables a core state change in minimal time.
What it can help with:
Painful memories and traumas
Negative thoughts
Self – confidence
How does IEMT work:
To understand how IEMT works, it is vital to realize first where your anxiety and negative thoughts come from. We weren’t born anxious or depressed. We learned to be. At some point in your life – very likely when you were just a small child – you have experienced an event or a situation where you were told ( most likely by your parents and even more likely by your teachers ) that you have done something wrong and you should never do it again, that you have failed, or even that there was something wrong with you. It happens to all of us. For some, it might have been just a small incident (being told off at school or shouted at by our parents), for others, it might have been a more painful memory (being bullied, or physically abused by others).
Those unpleasant events very likely triggered a strong emotional response in you at that time (feelings of shame, guilt, anger, sadness, regret, confusion, insecurity … the list goes on).
If you were a highly sensitive child, or if these types of events occurred on a regular basis, those emotions became permanently imprinted in your mind.
You might not remember what happened to you in your early childhood, but your body does. Each time you experience an event that even slightly resembles your painful memory ( it can be any situation that you fear failing at e.g. a job interview, performance feedback, a presentation at work, or just being around other people fearing being judged and laughed at), your mind automatically goes to that painful childhood event and responds with the same set of negative emotions.
The mistake we often do in therapy or coaching is that we focus on the negative emotions that we can see or the thoughts associated with the anticipatory event ( like that presentation at work on Monday) without addressing the core of the problem which is our early childhood trauma. It is because that memory is written in our subconscious mind and cannot be accessed with our logical, everyday, conscious thinking.
IEMT bridges that gap.
Instead of focusing on what you are feeling right now, it asks: how did you learn to feel this way, and goes down to the core of the problem – the painful memory. Using eye movement whilst accessing the early memories, the imagery loses its emotional impact and becomes less disturbing. A new, less harmful emotional imprint is created. ( source: The Association for IEMT Practitioners)
IEMT answers two questions:
How did the person learn to FEEL this way (emotional imprints) e.g. I feel anxious?
How did the person learn to BE this way (identity imprints) e.g. I am an anxious person?
IEMT can not only change the way you feel but it is also a great tool to change a specific aspect of your identity.
If you want to find out more, book your first IEMT trial session ( 30 minutes) for just £50. Sometimes it’s all that it takes to start seeing the first effects!
And if you feel like diving deep into your subconscious and start creating more profound changes including working with your identity, here are some other options for you:
1-hour IEMT + identity session: £100
1-hour life coaching - £100
1,5-hour IEMT/ life coaching: £ 120
6 x 1-hour sessions: £500 (including life coaching, IEMT, and identity work) – a most popular option
Here is what some of my clients have said so far:
“I had no anxiety the following day after our session. It was incredible since that almost never happens for me on a workday”.
“I’m doing really well thank you. Honestly seen such an improvement in myself from when I first started with you compared to now, very grateful for that”
“Thank you, Kasia, today is Sunday and I don’t feel anxious about going to work tomorrow. It is strange but the technique seems to be working”.
“For the very first time since I remember, I slept well before giving a presentation the next day. I wasn’t even overthinking it at al. And the next day, I felt completely relaxed.”
It must be emphasized: IEMT is not the grand unified theory of therapy and change work and is still a developing model, but is a very useful adjunctive for the trained therapists and when used in the right hands can provide an excellent remedial tool for emotional change and a generative tool for identity change. Practitioners are reporting that IEMT enables excellent results where previously a good outcome might have appeared improbable. ( The Association for IEMT Practitioners)