“Have you ever seen a baby who was too shy to cry when they were hungry? Or a toddler who refused to learn to walk because they didn’t feel confident enough to do it?
Neither have I.
When we arrive in this world, we are completely tuned in with our inner intuition. We were all born confident to ask for what we wanted and to do what we felt inspired to do. That is a state of being your pure authentic self.
I remember my 2-year-old son going to a party wearing a summer shoe on one foot and a Thomas the Tank themed wellie on the other. Simply because he felt like it. There was no “what will others think” concept in his little, beautiful, and free mind.
Now, imagine I dared you to dress like that to your office. What would be the first thought to enter your mind?
What has happened to us? When and why have we disconnected from our free inner child? And when did the opinion of others become the main rule to live by?
Most importantly: is there anything we can do about it?
The answer to the last question is obviously “yes”, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this book.”
We didn’t come to this world to be “approved.” We are here to experience our own uniqueness. And there is only one box to tick: being your authentic self.
Awaken Your Confident Self is for those who know that they are capable of more than they are currently doing at work and in life but lack the courage to follow that calling. It is also for those who have tried overcoming their fears but encountered an obstacle that led them to think that they do not have what it takes. It explains why certain experiences let us believe that we are not good enough. It shows how our negative beliefs disconnect us from who we truly are and sabotage our confidence. Through this book, you will learn how to let go of these thoughts. You will also get to know practical methods to reconnect with your authentic, confident self.