photo credit: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”
Nelson Mandela
I was sitting in front of my computer, staring at a job application. There was one question I found particularly difficult: “Why do you want to work for us?” …
“Because this job sounds safe and comfortable and I need the money”
“Because this is the only job that fits around my family “
“I don’t really WANT to work for you, but this is the best option at the moment”
I still have that job application saved on my computer, and that page is still blank.
I was at a point in my life where I no longer wanted to compromise. I no longer wanted to play safe. I always felt that I was born with wings … but they were being crushed under my parachute bag.
It was time to let the safety gear GO.
Discovering what I loved wasn’t difficult.
I’ve always been curious about and fascinated by the power of the human mind. Learning about where our thoughts and behavioural patterns come from was one of the most satisfying journeys of my life. Deep inside I felt that helping others was my life purpose.
But turning my passion into a business was a different story.
I considered many options and considered applying for a variety of jobs –– but it all ended up in the same way: staring at a blank page…
Until… I came across Life Coaching…
And I knew that this was my calling.
Because I was SCARED.
Joseph Campbell totally made sense when he said: “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek”
I decided to jump in and… never felt more ALIVE!
Was it easy? Hell no! Behind that smiley face, you see on my website pictures are sleepless nights, exhaustion, tears, vulnerability, fear, and lots of disappointments.
But inside my heart, there is pride, passion, love, fulfillment, and motivation. There is that excitement of every new day.
Why am I telling you this story?
Because I want you to ask yourself a question:
What is the one thing you are most scared of?
Because there lies the answer to where your passion is.
If you are still struggling to discover your passion or need clarity in your life, book a discovery call with me :here
If you liked this short article, check my previous work: